Then and now, today

Time is the art of the photographer: capturing a rich, dynamic story in the fraction of a second the shutter opens. But in the course of branding Reed College’s Centennial, I decided to collapse a larger span of time, re-shooting historic photos from exactly the same spot to tease out the threads that connect then to now.
Reed College's first teachers, with Apple
In 1911, Reed College's first president, looks out toward a boundless future before the college was built.
At the cornerstone of Eliot Hall, now and then.
A 1912 architect’s sketch of Reed College's Sallyport before it was built.
The Hauser Library, today and in a smoky 1930
The entrance to Reed College: at peace today, and marshaling for war in 1918.
Ne’er-do-wells with the Doyle Owl, circa 1920, when the myth began.